The palmach- the Ha'hagna strike force was established in 1941 during the Second World War, due to the growing fear of German invasion to Israel. The palmach, a brigade of young volunteers became the Hangana's regular military force. With the end of the Second World War the main focus of the Palmach's attention was shifted towards the British occupants during the mandate days and for holocaust survivors rescue missions. The crowning glory of the Palmach was during the independence war were the brigade took an important role. Out of the the 12 Hagana regiments, 3 were from the Palmach who were the spearhead of the in the independence war and the foundation of the state of Israel.
The Palmach was formed from the beginning as a professional elite military force who sprouted military thought and values, who among others were the corner stone's of the Israeli Defense Force. The conditions for the Palamach's foundation unified it to a pioneer social body.
The Palmach bases were within the kibbutz and volunteers trained while tending to the kibbutz everyday work. Then shared living of young men and women in tent camps away from home and school gave birth to a unified group of idealistic scoail group. On the bases fighter grew, and alongside them some of the greatest poets, play writers and actors of their time. Within the Palmach tent, a new Israeli persona was growing. Articulating with a speech form, emotional connection and way of life. The Palmach museum conveys those same stories of personal growth and oneness alongside the fields of battle.
The Palmach museum is an experiential museum which conveys to the visitor, using stories of the Palmach heritage with its foundation through training, resistance during the mandate times and to the independence war which constituted the highlight of the Palmach activity.
The exhibit showcases a fascinating human story accompanied with a 3D see, films and effects that combine documentary materials. The exhibit is built in a chorological fashion with each footage marking a point in time. The tour begins and ends with the remembrance hall for the 1162 fallen members of the Palmach. The tour is with coordination in advance and takes around 90 minutes. The tour is held with groups of 25 people of more (single visitors shall be integrated to other groups).